
Hosting and domain - how to choose?

Hosting and Domain.

I'm sure many people want to understand what hosting and domain are, of course with examples. So let's start... In simple terms, hosting and domain What is hosting?

Often, novice web masters who want to create their own site are interested and start looking for domain and hosting. First of all, it is necessary to say that a site is a set of files, data, graphic images, video-audio files, which are united by a certain programming language.

This set of information needs to be posted somewhere on the Internet. This is what hosting is for. First I would like to introduce some characterization of hosting in technical language.

Hosting (eng. - hosting) is a service for providing computing power to host information on a server that is permanently connected to the network (usually the Internet).

In other words, hosting is an Internet service for allocating a certain space to host a site on the Internet. Organizations and companies that offer such services are called hosting providers. 

When you purchase a hosting service, you rent a certain amount of space on a server. A server is an ordinary physical computer that has constant (24/7) access to the Internet. For hosting services, powerful computers (servers) with large hard drives are used, which have constant access to the Internet, a constant uninterrupted power source and are located in the company's data center. It is on such computers that sites are located, to which users have constant access to the Internet. 

When you need to launch a new site on the Internet, you need to select the appropriate hosting package from the appropriate provider company. Hosting packages differ in types, settings, and price. Payment is possible monthly, quarterly, annually. Buying hosting is like renting an apartment where you have to pay rent every month.

The hosting of our company (FindDomain.ge) is reliable, secure and equipped with all software services of the latest generation. The prices of our services are also quite attractive compared to the prices of other hosting providers. Our company is focused on long-term revenue effects, not short-term profits. 


Classification of hosting

Depending on the implementation and configuration, hosting can be classified according to different features.

Hosting can be divided into paid and free hosting.

Free hosting has the following drawbacks:

• low speed of work;

• A large number of other people's advertisements on the site;

stability and safety of work are not guaranteed;

• Technical support service is late in responding and problems are not resolved on time;

If your site is a simple website, a home blog or a small business site, then in principle, free hosting will work perfectly for you and you will not have to pay a price. But some inconvenience still remains, namely, someone else's advertisement on your site.

But if we have in mind a large corporate-type site, an information portal, a site used in Internet-commerce activities, which must be constantly accessible, here it is better to choose paid hosting. Paid hosting is free from the above mentioned drawbacks. They are stable and their technical support team is quick to respond to customer issues. On such hosting, the site works faster, the site owner has more functions and opportunities. The only disadvantage is the fee, but this amount in our company (FindDomain.ge) is extremely minimal, starting from 4.00 L per month. 


The 2nd characteristic by which hosting is classified is the type of hosting offered:

• Shared (share) hosting. In this case, a large number of user sites are placed on one server, and server resources (processor, RAM, access speed) are dynamically distributed among them. Such hosting is quite attractive for its price. It can be considered as a certain disadvantage that if the site becomes very popular and the number of its users (thousands) increases, this increases the demand of this site on the server capacity, which as we mentioned is a shared resource for all the sites, so if the load on other sites also increases during certain periods of the day, this It puts the server in an unstable state. These loads are constantly monitored and quickly responded by the provider company. Nevertheless, if the site requires large resources, it is better to use another type of hosting. They do this until the site is less popular or even less users are placed on shared hosting, but then it is moved to other hostings considering the increase in traffic. Changing hosting is a common practice and a simple procedure technically. ჩვენ გთავაზობთ საზიარო (shared hosting) ჰოსტინგის საუკეთესო პირობებს;

 Virtual Server VPS (Ing. Virtual Private Server) / VDS (Ing. Virtual Dedicated Server) Here, on one physical server (computer), there are several virtual servers created with their own dedicated capacities (processor, RAM, access speed), which are offered to users. This means that each user has a specific capacity allocated to him, which he shares, as is the case with "shared" hosting, so the price is relatively higher. But this cost is certainly recoverable depending on the business. If more users visit the site, it turns out to be more popular, therefore more profitable. In any case, the cost of hosting in business is very low, even unnoticeable. We offer the best conditions for virtual (VPS hosting) server hosting LinuxWindows;

Dedicated hosting Dedicated Server – this is hosting when the user is offered a completely dedicated physical server (computer). In particular, the user is given the entire computer with its hard drives, RAM and processors. Therefore, a dedicated server gives the user incredible opportunities. You can customize it according to your preferences, choose the operating system and other programs. In fact, a dedicated server rental is equivalent to owning a local server, but comes with technical support from your hosting provider. The advantages of a dedicated server are: management of the complete configuration of your server, high reliability (you do not share your server resources with anyone), full root access, high security. Disadvantages: Relatively high cost, you will need server management knowledge and skills.

Collocation - this is a service when the customer does not rent a computer, but brings his own computer (the so-called server) to the provider company and places it in its data center, where a guaranteed source of constant power, access to the Internet, etc. is provided. The customer pays a monthly rent for this service. This service is one of the expensive services. It requires more knowledge and experience from the customer in the field of working with network equipment, programming skills and much more. It's kind of like a land lease, and what he does with that land is his business.

There is a variety of shared (sheare) hosting called WordPress hosting designed specifically for sites built on the WordPress engine. This hosting is configured directly with the needs of CMS WordPress in mind. It is because of this configuration that your site loads faster and with fewer problems. Additional functions are added to such hosting: additional themes for the site, easily (by dragging the mouse) modular constructor. 

The advantages of this type of hosting are:

• low price. Its price is sometimes the same as the price of shared hosting;

• Beginner friendly.

• WordPress can be installed in one click.

• Good speed for WordPress sites.

• Pre-installed plugins and themes for WordPress

Negative side:

Recommended for WordPress sites only. Otherwise, problems are possible.

What is a domain?

In simple terms, a domain is the name of a site's address, which is needed to identify it. For example: www.sitename.ge. Here "sitename.ge" is the domain.   


For a more in-depth analysis, let's define the word domain: domain name - a name obtained by symbols, used to identify the space - administrative autonomous units on the Internet - included in the hierarchy higher than it.

It looks like this: Of course, it is difficult for the average person to remember it, that's why the essence of the domain was introduced, for example: google.com, finddomain.ge and others. This is much easier to remember than combinations of numbers.

Despite this, the domain name is directly related to the digital address, the so-called IP address consisting of 4 digits separated by a period:

There are first, second and third level domains. 

A 1st-level domain is a letter ending after a dot: .GE, .COM, .ORG, .NET ... These are first-level domains that indicate the territorial affiliation of the site (.GE, .US, UK, RU ...) or the field of activity ( com, net, edu, org, biz, info...). First-level domains cannot be purchased.

2nd level domain is for example name.ge.

The 3rd level domain is name.name.ge. Level 3 domains are free in most cases. It can be created/taken for free by the second-level domain owner.

Therefore, I think this article is useful to fill some informational vacuum about what domain and hosting are.

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